Our Services
Our integrated range of cyber security services are designed to help businesses assess, build and manage online networks. They also assist businesses and their staff to have the right strategies to respond to incidents efficiently and so migrate any potential damage a cyber attack may create. Our skilled Cyber Security Consultants deliver all our services and work with staff to build their cyber awareness, understand the latest cyber threats and secure the business's online environment.

The training is focused on those with little or no cyber security or technical knowledge and is delivered in small, succinct modules using real-world examples.
Our accredited training also attracts CPD points for all attendees

Remote vulnerability assessments are focused on identifying weaknesses in the way your organisation connects to the internet. Service reporting will provide a plain language interpretation of the results and how any vulnerabilities might be used by an attacker, as well as simple instructions on how any vulnerabilities might be fixed.

This service assesses your website and web services for weaknesses. The service reporting will describe in plain language, what each weakness means to your business and the risks associated with each. Service reporting will include plans and guidance on how to fix those weaknesses.