The SECRC Advisory Group are professionals that come from a diverse range of industries and play a key role in providing guidance, advice, and support around the initiatives and work the SECRC undertakes.
To celebrate and recognise each of the members of the Advisory Group, we are running a new ‘Meet our AG’ blog series. Next up, is Rob May, Managing Director of ramsac.

So which famous tech legend did Rob meet and who has inspired him throughout his career? Find out below!
Please tell us who you are and who you work for.
I am Rob May founder and Managing Director of Cybersecurity firm ramsac. I’m also an International Cybersecurity speaker working with Vistage in the UK and Overseas.
I am the UK Ambassador for Cybersecurity with the Institute of Directors in London. I am a Fellow at The College of St George at Windsor Castle, I’m also a Fellow at BSDC, IoD and FRSA.
What is your role?
My role is to lead our team and develop strategic partnerships within industry, academia and law enforcement all furthering our mission to help business leaders understand the importance of cybersecurity and help deliver cyber resilience.
What’s something an outsider wouldn’t know about your industry?
What we do impacts every individual in every age group and every walk of life. There are a lot of positive things that people can to help themselves and good protection isn’t always about investing money, often it’s about best practice and common sense.
What originally got you interested in your current field of work?
I can’t ever remember not being interested, but the one thing that’s always been important to me is trying to demystify what we do as an industry. So many people try and make things overly complicated in a move to make themselves seem clever or irreplaceable, I work on the principle of making people understand and empowered.
What career advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t believe that education ever stops. In order to succeed you need a mindset of lifelong learning, but there are seasons of slogging and seasons of flourishing and that education needs to fit in around the various stages of your life.
Who or what inspires you in your career?
Books, keynotes, TED talks, films and every single aspiring person who joins us at ramsac wanting to make a real difference in the industry.
How did you become a part of the SECRC?
I was the first person to sign up on the Advisory Board at SECRC, I’m very active on social media using it as amplification for cybersecurity education. I was sharing ideas with various CRCs following the publication of one of my books talking about my TEDx Talk on The Human Firewall, it was clear that we shared a similar agenda for awareness in schools and businesses throughout the South East and it felt completely right to be more involved.
What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?
I love the outdoors, I like to run, take on challenging walks and breathe mountain air.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
Yes I’ve been blessed to have met quite a lot of famous people, including Bill Gates (when he wasn’t quite as cool as he is now!).
Do you have any phobias?
I don’t really enjoy heights but it's not a phobia as such.
What's the phone app you use most?
What’s something that you are proud of?
My children, they never cease to amaze me.
What’s something you’re excited about right now?
Earlier this year we launched a series of certifications at ramsac call the Cyber Resilience Levels – they are more holistic than some of the other more accessible cybersecurity certifications, and I am incredibly excited about their uptake and their impact.
The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East exists to support sole traders, micro-businesses and SMEs across the region. We offer free membership which will inform you of the current threats gathered by policing intelligence, as well as providing simple steps to take to reduce your vulnerability to an attack. We also offer an opportunity to speak to our Head of Cyber and Innovation regarding your cyber security and concerns.